Global Campus of Human Rights


6th edition of the GC Policy Observatory

The current 6th edition of the Global Campus Policy Observatoryrevolves around the research project on ‘The digitalisation of education systems and its impact on human rights, with particular attention to the right to education, which is funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAECI) and by the European Commission.

The ongoing research is led by GC Research Manager Dr. Chiara Altafin and involves 7 talented policy analysts selected among GC alumn* of its regional programmes, namely Reda Benkhadra, Olga Lucía Camacho Gutierrez, Dr. Desara Dushi, Dr. Jean Linis-Dinco, Goharik Tigranyan, Aida Traidi, and Dr. Gergana Tzvetkova.

Research outputs will include policy briefs, advocacy plans, and digital tools developed in cooperation with the GC E-Learning Department.

The project encompasses different activities, in particular:

The forthcoming Webinar Series of June and July 2024 will provide special opportunities to hear the policy analysts anticipate their research findings, discuss with international experts and propose multiple policy recommendations, providing a space for reflection and advocacy.

Here is the link to register and further details of the planned calendar for the webinar series:

05/06/2024, 2.00 – 3.00 PM CEST

ChatGPT in the Classroom: Harnessing the Era of Generative AI in Higher Education

– Dr. Desara Dushi, GC PO Analyst (GC Europe)

– Dr. Rohan Nanda, Assistant Professor in Data Science for Law, Maastricht University

– Arianna Valentini, UNESCO IESALC

12/06/2024, 1.30 – 2.30 PM CEST

EdTech or Empty Promises: Can It Deliver the Right to Education in the Philippines and Cambodia?

– Dr. Jean Linis-Dinco, GC PO Analyst (GC Asia-Pacific)

– Swasti Karmacharya, Baan Dek Foundation

– Fia Hamid-Walker, Asia Pacific Forum

19/06/2024, 4.00 – 5.00 PM CEST

EdTech Regulatory Frameworks and the Right to Education in Africa

– Reda Benkhadra, GC PO Analyst (GC Africa)

– Anderson D. Miamen, Senior Executive Director of CENTAL

– Aya Douabou, West Africa Program Manager of GI-ESCR

26/06/2024, 3.30 – 4.30 PM CEST

Teaching Digital Literacy and Digital Competencies: Insights from South East Europe

– Dr. Gergana Tzvetkova, GC PO Analyst (GC South East Europe)

– Ena Kosanović, Gender Equality Advocate

– Emanuil Georiev, Independent Expert on teaching safe and responsible online behaviour

03/07/2024, 4.30 – 5.30 PM CEST

Addressing the Digital Divide among Students at Risk of School Dropout in Latin America

– Lucia Camacio, GC PO Analyst (GC Latin America and the Caribbean)

– Jamila Venturini, Directora Ejecutiva Derechos Digitales

– Laura Giannechinni or Israel Quirilo, Campaña Latinoamericana por el Derecho a la Educación (CLADE)

10/07/2024, 4.30 – 5.30 PM CEST

Assessing Equity in Digital Education for Low-Income Students in Armenia, Moldova and Ukraine

– Goharik Tigranyan, GC PO Analyst (GC Caucasus)

– Anna Gevorgyan, Education Expert, Adjunct Lecturer, MA TEFL Programme, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, American University of Armenia

– Lusine Karapetyan, Local Government and Regional Development Expert, Director of ‘Solution Hub’ Community Development NGO

17/07/2024, 4.30 – 5.30 PM CEST

AI integration in education in the MENA region: will it be a driver of social inequality?

– Aida Traidi, GC PO Analyst (GC Arab World)

– Marwan Tarazi, Director of the Center for Continuing Education, Birzeit University

– Dr. Mohammed Zuheir Bakleh TBC


The in-person Workshop of 26 March 2024 in Venice Lido —with the opening welcome addresses by Secretary General Manfred Nowak, Research Manager Chiara Altafin, and the MAECI Head of Analysis and Programming Unit Counsellor Giuliana Del Papa— provided a great opportunity to present and discuss with external experts and GC colleagues the insightful research conducted by the GC policy analysts in the various regions concerned (respectively, Asia-Pacific, Middle East & North Africa, Africa, Europe, South East Europe, Latin America, and Caucasus). Representatives from the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) and the tech school Develhope

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